Trusting the Unknown

4 min readAug 9, 2021

What’s fascinating about the concept of the “Unknown?”

I am intrigued by the fact that as humans we would rather stay miserable and unhappy than make the needed adjustments to our lives to feel what it is inside that is whispering to us.

In the solitude and silence, I know you understand what I am talking about.

You distract, you numb out, you avoid, you stuff “it” down, you repeat.

Our minds are addicted to chaos at the same time we pray for a solution to the crazy mess inside of the walls of our own heads.

It makes sense because inside we sit comfortably in the routine of what was done yesterday, last week, last month, and years prior.

So maybe it requires a level of despair before we’re willing to look in the mirror or lay awake at night to wonder what needs to be changed within us. That question alone is not for the faint of heart. I am convinced that most people are going to ask the deflecting questions first. For example, how can I get my job to change, my spouse to change, or any outside circumstance to be different?

We couldn’t comprehend that our reality is a make-up of our own choices, thoughts, decisions, and life experiences compiled into our everyday living. Being in the victim mentality allows us to escape the reality check that we actually do have a choice.

My favorite quote reads…

We let the terrifying fear rule us so much that we choose not to make any decision in the hope that we don’t make the “wrong” one.

So, is the unknown dark like we imagine it to be?

Does the unknown come to us, or are those out there actively pursuing it?

What is it about humans that causes us to live our lives only on the physical plane? If we see it we will believe it. If we have proof or data we feel comfortable swimming in the logic of the current or moving circumstances.

Could the unknown be nothing more than the absence of the facts that it will work? Then you must answer this next question. If the end result was none of your business but God’s do you really have as much control as you think you do?

Can we call the unknown faith?

We are wired and programmed to think of the worst-case scenarios. Interesting enough I have found that freedom from this kind of hell is asking

“How could this go better than I can possibly imagine?”

If you had trust in the process of life and how cared for you ACTUALLY are, if you knew, to your core that the plan is bigger than you are, would the unknown terrify you as much if there was faith and belief in the same sequence of ever-changing events? Maybe, but even if fear were still present we could still observe it.

What if the gut-wrenching fear that was tightening our chest in the middle of going through the unknown is wanting nothing more than to communicate with you. Have you ever looked at it and asked what the message was?
See the very thing that you are praying for keeps showing up and we neglect to hear it because it shows up in a bow of the “unfamiliar”.

You cannot create a solution with the same set of thoughts that created the problem. Start here. Ask the question. What about the “unknown” am I afraid of? What truly inspires me to get to the other side of what I judge as dark-ness?

Truthfully if we aren’t growing we are dying. Interestingly enough we would rather die in that environment than be picked up and put in a completely new one.

How attached are you to the story? How real do your thoughts and feelings seem? Are they your friends or your enemies?
If I could help you solve this very experience, I would tell you that the “Unknown” is already been a part of your life. To what degree would depend on what stage of life you are in. Embrace the part of you that needs to increase faith and stand in belief. Evolving requires the guts to sit with the journey instead of trying to surpass it.

The “Unknown” is beautiful in the eyes of curiosity and love. To those that seek truth be willing to abandon the idea that you must have all the answers now. Be at peace that life is an everlasting framework of art and you are the masterpiece. Take what you have been given this far and with one step at a time trust that you are right where you belong.





[N]ecessary ….. while

[O]vercoming ….. the

[W]inds … of everything





I dismantle limiting beliefs and coach people back to their authentic selves.